Dalcroze & Violin with Tr. LC
Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Violin & Movement
音感節奏律動 x 小提琴教學
Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Eurhythmics 音樂節奏律動
"The important thing,....,is that the child should learn to feel music, to absorb it not merely with his ear, but with his whole beings." -- E. Jques-Dalcroze
由瑞士音樂家及教育家Emile Jaques- Dalcroze所創音樂教學法。字義上,Eu 意為”美好的”,Rhyrhmics ”節奏的“,故Eurhythmics為”美好的節奏”。廣泛使用于音樂、舞蹈、劇場、以及音樂治療等。主要核心為透過身體動作來學習音樂內容,強調音樂性的發展與培養。課程活動將幫助參與者建立良好的節奏感、音高、音樂知識、音樂表現力、以及進行音樂欣賞。
Solfége 音感練習
“One of the greatest strengths of the Dalcroze approach is the potential for significant development in ear-training. These skills are reinforced through the interaction between physical and aural experiences….” --Virginia Hoge Mead
達克羅茲獨特的音感練習有別於一般傳統聽力訓練,著重培養音樂內在聽覺(音樂內耳),幫助參與者確立音高、學習各種音階、調式,培養視唱視奏能力、發揮創造力將所學應用在音樂創作上。“達克羅茲音階”同時俱備首調及固定調兩者之優點,培養良好的絕對音感及相對音感。學生學習達克羅茲音階Do-Do scale、全音、半音、音程、和弦、和聲、和音組等等。
Improvisation 即興與創作
About Jaques-Dalcroze 關於
愛彌爾 賈克-達克羅茲
1865-1950. Swiss mssic educator, composer and musician. His unique Eurhythmics and Solfege method had influenced not only on music education (such as Carl Orff and Kodaly), but also on theater and dnace, as well as on music therapy.
Eurhyhtmics Goal
" The aim of all exercises in eurhythmics is to strengthen the power of concentration, to accustom the body to hold itself, as it were, at high pressure in readiness to execute orders from the brain, to connect the conscious with the sub-consious, and to augment the sub-conscious faculties with the fruits of a special culture designed for that purpose."
-- Emile Jaques-Dalcroze